Fitness Challenge Series: Double Bodyweight Squat

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Fitness Challenge Series: Double Bodyweight Squat

This “Fitness Challenge Series” is a compilation of “challenges” that I have either tried or have seen others try as fun ways to test current levels of fitness. It is NOT intended for use on a large scale with a team of athletes. Additionally I am NOT telling you that you NEED to try these. Some of these challenges will be easy and some will be quite difficult, but almost all will require some level of prior training (meaning if you don’t train frequently now and/or have never trained you should not attempt these challenges “just to try” or “just for fun” as they may lead to serious injury). However, if you are well-trained and want a fun way to test your current fitness and/or want to throw something new in to spice up your training, this series may be worthwhile for you to read.

With all that out of the way, let’s get into this challenge: Double Bodyweight Squat. This is one of the most “Old School” challenges there is. Back in the day, the standard was “you need to squat double bodyweight before beginning plyometrics”. I think we know better by now (at least most of us do), but it’s still a fun challenge to attempt. The video you see shows me squatting 445 lbs. at 222 lbs. bodyweight.

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